Crochet Pattern Testers Wanted

Crochet Pattern Testers Wanted

I’m looking for a few people to test my crochet patterns as I design them. This is not a paid position (although it might be in the future), but you will receive free crochet patterns for your help.

Here’s how it will work:

Once I have a new design ready to release, I will notify my pattern testers by email. If you like the design and would be willing to crochet the item, I will send you the pdf pattern.

What’s in it for you?

  1. Free one-of-a-kind crochet patterns before anyone else.
  2. A custom image badge declaring that you’re an official pattern tester for Pinktown Crochet. Share your accomplishments!

What’s in it for me?

In return, I ask:

  1. That you send me feedback on my pattern instructions with a picture of the finished product within 14 days of receiving the pattern.
  2. You share your finished item and a link to the pattern in my shop on a social media site of your choice.

If you’re interested in becoming a crochet pattern tester for me, please let me know via my contact form.

Thanks for your interest! Happy crocheting!